Get Involved

We would love for you to make friends and get to know many of us as you join our church. If you’re finding out more about Jesus and Christianity then we’d encourage you to do Alpha, or else we’d encourage you to join a Life Group. As a growing church Life Groups are one of the key ways in which we can build meaningful relationships, share fellowship, receive pastoral care and to study the Bible.

We would then encourage you to get involved in serving. Whatever your gift is, whether it’s working with children, playing an instrument or doing some practical jobs there is a way for you to serve and meet people while you do it. Join us in praying corporately through one of our prayer meetings and giving or tithing generously to support the work that God is doing in and through us. 


We are one body made up of many parts, and everyone has a part to play in the life of the church. Serving is a great way to grow as well as meet new people. There are lots of ways you can get involved in life at St John’s, so please let us know what area of serving you may be interested in. If you’re unsure of you’re gifting, please speak to Joanne. She’d be happy to chat through with you where you might serve. We look forward to hearing from you!

Children & Youth

Being involved in the Children’s or Youth Teams can mean more than just helping on Sunday mornings. We run family events all through the year that you can be involved in!

For more information contact our Youth Ministry Coordinator Jack Wilson.

Worship, Sound & Projection

If you have musical gifts that you’d like to use to lead sung worship then do get in touch. Or if you have a technical brain perhaps you could be part of our sound and projection team?

For more information contact our Parish Administrator        Kelly Johnston.

Hosting & Welcoming

On this team, you may be the first people that a visitor meets. If you enjoy chatting and meeting new people, and love to do this with a smile on your face, this is the team for you.

For more information contact our Parish Administrator      Kelly Johnston.

Cleaning &       DIY

If you like cleaning and/or doing any form of DIY then there are lots of ways that you can serve here at St John’s. We have a cleaning rota which always requires more volunteers as well as a newly formed maintenance group.

For more information contact our Parish Administrator      Kelly Johnston.


The book of James says that, ‘The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective’. At St John’s we believe in the power of prayer.

We have partnered with 24.7 prayer at various times to pray without ceasing; sometimes for 3 days and 3 nights, sometimes for a week. This is always a time of great blessing for those who take part.

We currently have a number of prayer pods which meet; Tuesdays at 5.45am via zoom (contact Kelly for more information) and Sunday mornings at 9.20am in the Parish Centre.

There is an opportunity to be prayed for after our 10am service every week by a trained and confidential Pastoral prayer ministry team.


We believe that God calls us to tithe to our local place of worship as part of our discipleship and worship. We can only continue to pursue and seek to fulfil God’s calling on us as we as a church continue to tithe and give as God calls us to.

The best way to give is by regular standing order and if you’re a tax payer to ensure that you gift-aid your donation. Click here to download a copy of our gift aid declaration and then please forward it to the address below.

Free Will Offering – Account Number: 18144007  Sort Code: 98-10-75

Building Fund – Account number: 18144197 Sort code: 98-10-75

If you have an envelope number then please use this as your reference so we allocate the payment correctly.

You can also leave your free will offering envelopes aside each week which can be returned when church resumes. Alternatively send a cheque payable to ‘Moira Parish Church’ to:

St John’s Parish
51 Main Street
Co. Down
BT67 0LQ