Who's Who?

Staff Team

Rector: Rev Joanne Megarrell – joanne@moiraparish.org.uk

Children’s & Youth Development Officer: Jack Wilson – jack@moiraparish.org.uk

Diocesan Evangelist: Kyle Harris – kyle@moiraparish.org.uk

Parish Administrator: Kelly Johnston – kelly@moiraparish.org.uk

Sexton: Tom Finlay

LOGIC Development Officer: Matt Peach – matt@logiccafe.org

LOGIC Youth Worker in Charge: Jack Wilson – jack@logiccafe.org

LOGIC Administrator: Tracey McKinley – tracey@logiccafe.org

Other Positions

Diocesan Reader: Bertie Logan

Parish Reader: Barry Harrison

Select Vestry

St John’s Select Vestry is made up of the Clergy, the Churchwardens, the Glebe wardens and twelve elected members of the General Vestry. It generally meets on the third Tuesday of each month between September and June. Members of the Select Vestry also act as the charity Trustee’s of St John’s Parish.

2024/25 Select Vestry

Rector’s Churchwarden: Daphne Edwards

People’s Churchwarden: Noel Mullan

Rector’s Glebewarden: David Johnston

People’s Glebewarden: David Kerr

Hon. Secretary: William Crockett

Hon. Treasurer: Bessena Crockett

Jonathan Cromie

Peter Dillon

Willaim Dillon

George Downey

Maurice Johnston

Raymond McAuley

Dave Parkinson

Bert Traylen

Stephen Waite

Johan Warwick